PALMYRA, Mo. — The Palmyra Police Department is searching for two male suspects who attempted to use a stolen truck in a robbery attempt on Wednesday.
An officer with the Palmyra Police Department was dispatched Wednesday, April 10, to the Exchange Bank, 423 Elizabeth Avenue, about suspicious activity near the bank’s ATM. When the officer arrived, he observed an older model pickup truck with the engine running, the passenger door open, and chains with tow hooks attached to the ATM. The truck appeared to be centered on a curb and unable to move.
The truck used in the theft attempt was stolen sometime earlier from Powell and Son Safety Service, 825 N. Main.
A witness claimed to have seen two male suspects flee the location of the bank and run toward U.S. Highway 61. The Palmyra police officer was assisted by a deputy with the Marion County Sheriff’s Department checking the area around the bank for the suspects.
It is believed the suspects fled the area in an unknown make or model SUV and headed north on U.S. 61. A preliminary investigation shows minor damage to the ATM. No cash was believed to have been taken.
Eddie Bogue, chief of the Palmyra Police Department, said the same type of attempt was made on other ATM thefts late last year in the Hannibal and Bowling Green areas.
People with information about the attempted thefts should contact the Palmyra Police Department at (573) 769-5540.
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Jake Leonard, a broadcast media and journalism veteran, is the editor-in-chief of Heartland Newsfeed. Leonard is also GM and program director of Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network, wrestling editor and contributing writer for Ambush Sports, a contributing writer for My Sports Vote and Midwest Sports Network, and a former contributor to Bleacher Report and Overtime Heroics. He resides at home in Nokomis, Ill. with his dog Buster.