Thank you for your interest in answering our call for contributing writers. While most of our news is auto-posted or auto-queued, we’d like to have a fair balance of contributing writers.
News departments
We are a 24/7 online news website seeking article contributors in any of our site categories:
- Local news involves stories in three regions: central and southern Illinois and the greater St. Louis metropolitan area.
- Illinois news involves stories happening throughout the entire state.
- Missouri news involves stories happening in the greater St. Louis metropolitan area with statehouse coverage from Jefferson City.
- National news involves stories happening throughout the entire U.S.
- World news involves stories happening worldwide.
- Politics/political news involves stories taking place at the local, county, state, Federal and international levels.
- Business & Lifestyle is a general category, which is broken down into several subcategories: Automotive, Business, Financial, Life & Style, Technology, Travel and Your Health.
- Sports news mostly involves collegiate and professional sports. Treat this category as if it was Bleacher Report, for example. As long as it’s in the U.S., we will also accept prep/high school sports story submissions.
- Entertainment news is also a general category, broken down into four subcategories: Entertainment, Films, Gaming and TV/Radio News.
- The Opinion section is split between Letters To The Editor (which you don’t have to contribute to) and Commentary (which you can contribute to). Commentary can be considered as an Editorial (normally published by a member of the Editorial Board), an Opinion-Editorial (op-ed, normally submitted by notable figures) or Commentary (also usually published by a member of the editorial board). We also have opinion columnists as well.
Other categories can be added upon the author’s request.
Contributor guidelines
- Prior writing experience is encouraged, but not required.
- You will need to register for an account. Upon confirmation, please set a profile picture through Gravatar and post a brief author bio.
- Article submissions should have at least 300 words. (In rare cases, we will allow news items that have less than this minimum threshold.)
- Appropriate photo credits and reference sources must be properly credited, with the exception of royalty-free content.
- All submissions must reflect green for SEO and the same for readability. This ensures our articles rank higher and are easier to read.
Editorial disclaimer
All submitted content is subject to editing and final approval. This is to ensure there is proper use of grammar, punctuation, syntax and sentence structure prior to publication.
Heartland Newsfeed, Heartland Internet Media Networks and Heartland Media Group of Central Illinois, LLC reserve the right to deny or refuse any article deemed unfit for publication. The editorial team reserves the right to edit content promoting advertising or solicitations to reach third-party individuals and organizations.
Statistics: Launch – September 30, 2020
- 3.75 million unique visitors
- 17.75 million site views
- Peak daily readership: 1,275 readers
- Alexa (World – April 22, 2020): 526,084
- Alexa (U.S. – April 22, 2020): 155,997
Publication and individual staff memberships
- Society of Professional Journalists
- Jake Leonard (Student Membership)
- Jake Leonard (Member, St. Louis SPJ Pro Chapter)
- Constitution First Amendment Press Association
- National Association of Digital Broadcasters
- Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network
- International Association of Internet Broadcasters
- Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network
- League of Libertarian Journalists
- National Association for Media Literacy Education
- Online News Association
- Jake Leonard (Student Membership)
- Illinois News Broadcasters Association
- Jake Leonard (Voting Member)
Media credentials
In some instances, when it comes to certain news items, you may need to request us to provide credentials that you are a writer or correspondent for Heartland Newsfeed.
In most cases, we can usually send a letter or email certifying you are reporting on our behalf. Others may require advance notification.
Active credentials
Illinois High School Association: We are listed on their media database with Media ID: 3326. We currently have seven extra passes for anyone wishing to cover Illinois high school sports. This also includes IHSA-sanctioned non-athletic extracurricular activities.
All Elite Wrestling: We have partial access to the wrestling organization, mostly in the form of photos. We are actively trying to get access to AEW press conferences. Prior notification would need to be given for media access to AEW Dynamite, AEW Rampage, and pay-per-views.
Ring of Honor Wrestling: We actively receive press releases from the PR firm representing the wrestling organization. Interviews are usually arranged through this agency, especially for annual ROH pay-per-view shows. Other media access is still being worked on.
Credentials in progress
Major League Soccer: Depending on market demand, we would like to primarily focus on the Chicago Fire and St. Louis CITY SC beginning in 2022 for Chicago and youth operations in St. Louis. This also includes St. Louis coverage starting with their debut in 2023.
XFL: Primary coverage will be general league news and of the St. Louis BattleHawks. However, this coverage won’t begin until 2023, so we will likely work with the franchise to start the media credentialing process sometime in 2022.