Updated January 11, 2024
As an independent news organization, we strive to accomplish our work while not resorting to hiding local news content behind a paywall. We are funded in part by ad revenue through advertising partners and through advertising that we sell. However, we do accept donations to help offset our monthly costs.
There are several methods that you can help support the local news initiatives being done by the entire Heartland Media Group of Central Illinois family — Heartland Newsfeed, Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network, and Heartland Newsfeed Podcast Network.
We greatly appreciate your consideration in supporting unbiased journalism at Heartland Newsfeed. We have a variety of options you can utilize to make your contribution.
You can now become a stakeholder in the prolonged future of Heartland Newsfeed with a monthly, quarterly, or annual subscription.
Through WordPress
$5.00 Monthly — $10.00 Monthly
$25.00 Monthly — $50.00 Monthly
$100.00 Monthly — $250.00 Monthly
One-Time Donation Options
PayPal — Square Cash
Cryptocurrency — Check
We occasionally have broadcasts on social media platforms which help enhance our journalism.
We would like to expand that by having a little bit of fun with gaming broadcasts as well. (After all, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, right?)
During our live streams, you can donate via several methods. You also have the option to subscribe to our channel on Twitch.tv.
Donations wishing to be done offline can be done in two different methods: