Ethics Policy
We strive to be an ethical news organization while distancing ourselves from the over-politicization of the news media.
We strive for compliance with the Society for Professional Journalists Code of Ethics wherever possible. We also strive for compliance with applicable journalism ethics policies governed by media professional organizations, such as the Illinois News Broadcasters Association and the Illinois Newspaper Association.
It’s a rarity when a correction is needed, but when it happens, it’s never intentional.
Yes, we do occasionally publish content based on available information prior to publication. However, we realize that not all information is available for varying factors.
Unlike the mainstream media, when we make a mistake, we strive to correct it and make things right. We’ll fess up, make the correction and apologize for the error.
We’re not CNN or MSNBC. We’re not WashPost or the New York Times. We’re not owned by a corporation. We don’t make millions or billions with the intent of lying 365 days a year. We publish the news in as much an unbiased manner as possible. We don’t lie for a living. It’s dishonorable to journalism.
Fact-checking policy
As previously mentioned, we publish content based on what information we have available at the time of publication. It does not mean we did not attempt to get all sides of the story.
We know the difference between what’s considered news and what’s considered opinion/commentary. We make that very obvious on our website with category tags.
We’re not the mainstream media, who skew the news to their own demented, twisted, fantastical delusions.
We will not acknowledge fact-checking on opinion pieces. The pieces, which include columnists and commentary, are simply that: opinion. We will publicly ridicule any fact-checkers wasting hours of their time nitpicking on an opinion piece.
Fact-checkers must submit in writing to the Editor-In-Chief with definitive proof debunking any article that is published. If there is not sufficient evidence provided within 7 days of publication, then we will not enact upon our Corrections policy.
We will not acknowledge “Fact Checkers” filing reports to Facebook and Twitter. We dislike Big Tech snitches equally as we dislike Democrats and Republicans, statists, government bootlickers, fascists, communists, people who can’t count change at the grocery store, and those who think Libertarians and Greens shouldn’t be on the ballot anywhere in the country.