MACON — Students from Meridian High School recently competed in the 2024 Academic Challenge at Eastern Illinois University in Charleston.
The Academic Challenge is a high school competition that was created and conducted annually by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s College of Engineering WYSE Outreach Program for about 40 years.
Beginning in 2024, the School of Extended Learning at Eastern Illinois University will oversee the competition with the assistance of many partner institutions across Illinois and Missouri.
Participating in the event were Lexi Oliver, Madilyn Kapschinske, Teagan Egbert, Emma Pistorius, Jacob Clapp, Maggie Pritts, Ella Woolington, Hayden Bergschneider, Sara Street, Sean Hill, Karolyn Spain, Connor Ryan, and Tara Reynolds.
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Shane Gordon is the current Superintendent for Meridian Community Unit School District #15 based in Macon, Ill., and has served in that capacity since July 2023.