NOKOMIS — A power outage in Nokomis Friday night currently has Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network offline at this time.
The outage, which occurred just before 9 p.m. local time, resulted in just over 700 households impacted during its downtime.
Ameren Illinois crews responded to the scene rather quickly, as service was restored at around 9:17 p.m., earlier than their projected restoration time of 10 p.m.
The presumed cause of the outage was damage caused by an animal. A response from Ameren Illinois regarding what animal caused the damage was not immediately responded to Friday night or Saturday morning before publication.
Initial testing has determined that the outage has not fried our hard drive, but it has corrupted our current Windows 10 installation, which we are attempting to reset (while retaining our data and programs) and install a new copy of Windows 10.
Currently, there is no timeline as to how soon Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network can be back online, but we will present an update when we’re back on the air.
Not impacted by this outage is our sister station Revolution Radio, which is exclusively operating on the Live365 platform.
We may temporarily move some Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network programming over to Live365 until we’re back on the air on all platforms.
Podcasts for the programs that would otherwise be aired on our station this morning will be on our Podcasts page. Podcasts for programs currently supposed to be on the air or on the schedule to air this morning will be below after the show ends.
This is a developing story.
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