SPRINGFIELD / BENTON — The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is inviting the public to learn more and comment about an upcoming project. There is a preliminary engineering and environmental study for improvements to the bridge carrying Illinois Route 154 at Rend Lake near Benton.
The study also includes the addition of a multi-use path running 1.6 miles along Illinois 154. This stretch will be from Larry Foster Parkway to Fitzgerald Park Road in Franklin County.
IDOT is sharing details of this project online and is encouraging public participation. The public participation period for the Rend Lake project will be from Friday, July 20 to Monday, July 31. This is in lieu of a regular public hearing.

The public is able to view exhibits and maps, as well as ask questions and leave comments. Comments will become public record if received by July 31.
Comments can also be forwarded to Sean Greenlee via email at [email protected].
Individuals without Internet access can contact Greenlee at (618) 351-5310 for more information about the proposed project.
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