BELLMONT — The Bellmont Village Board meets tonight, July 11, at the Bellmont Village Hall. Here is the agenda for the meeting:
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Acting Mayor Comments
- Public Comments
- Approval of Minutes: June 13, 2023
- Approval of Executive Minutes: June 20 and June 23, 2023
- Financial Report and Approval of Bills
- Water Report
- Trustee Reports
- Correspondence Received
- Old Business
- Valve replacement in lagoon
- Tree removal in easement at trailer park
- Handling water hearings in the future, reviewing ordinance for later water bills
- Review of increase of water reconnect fee to $50
- Bid from David Brown
- New Business
- Grant Opportunities
- Old Tire Removal Courtesy for Community
- Around the Table
- Appointment of New Trustees
- Next Meeting Date
- Adjournment
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Jhonethan Gemini is the pen name of a governmental watchdog based in Southern Illinois.