RAYMOND (Heartland Newsfeed) — A heated temper from a resident regarding semi trucks causing damage on her property and leaving her ruts took most of the overall discussion in the meeting of the Raymond Village Board on Monday, November 20.
Following the approval of the meeting minutes from the November 6 meeting and the financial report from October, the board heard a complaint from resident Tess Lessman, who expressed her frustration regarding concerns surrounding semi trucks damaging her property and leaving deep ruts in her yard.
Lessman started off with an apology to trustee Bruce Poggenpohl for storming into his business in an angry mood. She noted that due to being in the military, she can be gone from a week up to six months and is about to be deployed to Africa. She added that she doesn’t get to look at her yard everyday.
Poggenpohl briefly stopped her and apologized for what he had said to her, in which both parties admitted that they were out of place with their actions earlier in the day.
When explaining the problem before the board, Lessman wanted to make it clear that none of the existing problems were caused by employees of Poggenpohl Ready-Mix or any other drivers local to Raymond, noting that they pay attention to the roads, any children who may be walking within the community and in her neighborhood, obey all traffic signs and respectful of one’s property rights and that never in 13 years that she’s lived in her home has there ever been an issue with concrete truck drivers, but an occasional issue with grain trucks.
Her complaint is with the recently contracted drivers, being Dale Williams Trucking of Fillmore. She noted an incident over the summer where a Williams truck drove onto her property and noting her temper before the board, could have committed an act of violence, as her son was playing outside. She asked the board if their child or grandchild was in that situation, what they would do.
She presented documentation to the board on what has been done on her property. Some discussion followed about possible alternatives to fix the issues, which includes contacting Williams Trucking again and working on an alternate route to avoid further incidents. In the meantime, posts will be installed with reflectors to deter further problems.
Village President Dennis Held introduced the proposed annual tax levy ordinance, Ordinance No. 423, stating the levy for the 2017-18 fiscal year will be $95,545, 102% of the tax levied in the 2016-17 fiscal year, which was $93,855. The ordinance was approved.
Poggenpohl noted in the Water and Sewer report that the village received the bill from Altorfer for the lift rental for cleaning the water tower, which had come in under cost and the final payment can now be made on the cleaning. Several board members stated that the tower looked good and the cleaning should last until the next paint job is needed, which is recommended every five years. Water superintendent Rick Broaddus questioned whether they wanted to get an estimate for a water tower inspection. After some discussion, it was decided that Broaddus would get some estimates for inspection some time before April.
Village trustee Greg Bernhardt noted in the Finance report that three certificates of deposit are coming due in December, two on December 13 and one on December 27 and that bids for rates will be sent out for consideration.
Village trustee Robert Pennock noted in the Economic Development report that he had turned in a couple batches of aluminum cans and received $50. Pennock also wanted to remind everyone that recycling is accepted on the first and third weekends of each month.
Additionally noted was the Christmas tree is set up along the main street in town and is looking great. Held thanked the fire department for performing the safety checks. A brief discussion was had regarding staking down the tree to avoid wind damage.
With no other news to come before the board, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m., to reconvene on Monday, December 4. In attendance were village president Dennis Held, village clerk Susan Greenwalt, village treasurer Sally Broaddus, police chief Valerie Sheldon, water superintendent Rick Broaddus and village trustees Joe Martin, Bruce Poggenpohl, Greg Bernhardt, Kathy Summers, Scott Pinkston and Robert Pennock.
Jake Leonard, a broadcast media and journalism veteran, is the editor-in-chief of Heartland Newsfeed. Leonard is also GM and program director of Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network, wrestling editor and contributing writer for Ambush Sports, a contributing writer for My Sports Vote and Midwest Sports Network, and a former contributor to Bleacher Report and Overtime Heroics. He resides at home in Nokomis, Ill. with his dog Buster.