TUSCOLA — Patrons of the swimming pool at Ervin Park in Tuscola could potentially see rate hikes this summer, should a current City Council proposal pass.
The council is considering a proposal that would increase various fees, such as increasing the season pass by $10 to $45 and rental fees for a party by $50 to $250.
City Administrator Drew Hoel states that the daily admission rate will not change.
Hoel notes that the pool “loses money precipitously” and blames part of it on increases in the state minimum wage.
“[Wages have gone up] 70 percent since 2019 with another $1 increase scheduled for next year,” Hoel said. “And now we have to give them paid time off.”
Mayor Dan Kleiss said that he doesn’t understand why high school workers and season jobs should be treated the same as a living wage.
City Treasurer Alta Long notates that while park districts are exempt from some of the requirements, municipal parks are not excluded.
The council is expected to vote on the rate hike at its next regular meeting.
Remote participation by council members
Mirroring a policy set by many municipalities during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Council voted to approve a new policy for remote meeting participation by city council members.
To vote remotely, the council member must be absent for reasons of illness/disability, employment purposes, the business of the city, or unexpected childcare obligations
Should the member attend remotely for any other reason, the member can participate in discussions and receive pay for attendance, but will not be allowed to cast a vote.
Similar to previous policies in the past elsewhere in the state, a quorum is still required to be physically present, which would be five members including the mayor. The language in the ordinance reflects the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
Other Tuscola council business
Other business before the Tuscola City Council include:
- Approval of a $297,115.20 payment for the new fire station project to Wohltman Construction. Wohltman Construction would also be approved a $170,239.50 payment for the maintenance building project.
- Approval of change orders for the fire station and maintenance building. The fire station allocation of $28,437 includes an addition of a smartboard for the training room (for which a grant is being sought) and additional costs for electrical hookup, wall linings in the wash bay area, and signage for the street address as required by state law. The $30,913 maintenance allocation is mostly for insulation, door locks, and hardware so that existing items match the new ones.
- Approval of the VFW Post’s request for Buddy Poppy Sales on May 25.
- Approval of closing Forest Glen Drive on March 16 for the Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt.
- Approval of the Pace for Petey 5K run/walk on September 28.
- Renewal of its employee assistance program agreement with Carle Health Care.
- Approval of an engagement letter with LWH CPAs regarding the city’s annual audit.
- Approval of a procurement policy for a state block grant, which was necessary for the water main replacement project on Meadowview Drive.
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