As of January 1, 2022, Heartland Newsfeed is including obituaries as a part of our local content offerings.
Like traditional print media, we will charge for submissions:
- $25 for death notices. Death notices must include the deceased’s full name, age, town, date, time and place of death, funeral home, and funeral home website. Also, arrangements pending with the same information.
- $25 for full obituaries without a submitted photo. This is a regular obituary submission from the funeral home without a picture, subject to editing as necessary.
- $40 for full obituaries with a submitted photo. This is a regular obituary submission from the funeral home with a picture of the deceased, subject to editing as necessary.
- $10 for publication of the obituary on Facebook. Obituary submissions will undergo publication on the Heartland Newsfeed and Heartland Newsfeed Radio Network Facebook pages. If you do not wish for Facebook publication of obituary information, please stipulate that in your submission.
Barring any potential exclusion of Facebook publishing, your minimum cost will be either $35 or $50.
Deadline: 5 p.m. daily, 7 p.m. weekends
We will utilize electronic invoicing for all billing purposes unless you request to have physical mailings. Electronic invoices will require an email address on record.
Submissions can be sent to [email protected] or [email protected] beginning January 1, 2022.

Nothing special. We cover news items that don't necessarily require an author.